Seth Jani
Poet. Publisher. Interdimensional Vagrant.

The wet season
Kelsay Books, 2018
ISBN: 978-1947465480
"In The Wet Season, Jani finds solace in the damp of autumn, drawing comfort from its primary colours in thirty vivid poems of delicate melancholy. An accomplished collection which prizes the redemptive, healing power of the natural world above all else."
-Ben Banyard, Clear Poetry
“In The Wet Season, Seth Jani explores the conundrum of loving and living in a world 'where you can’t have anything except the fading.' Jani’s ink stretches the bounty of the four seasons even as it sieves a world flowing like wind and water that is half the weight of crystal and of ash. He ruminates on how life becomes an act of sinking, and thus to love is to perpetually chase gravity. Questions of the soul abound, and whether the light at the end of the brain’s circuits is mere myth or if god and spirit survive the 'analyst’s knife.' Jani challenges us to respect not only ourselves but also everything in the sphere of our touch. The reader is left invigorated by his fierce joy as Jani comes to the realization that what he loves most 'is the equation of being in everyone.'"
-Sarah Page, Young Ravens Literary Review